Sunday, May 19, 2013


Hello! I have created this blog primarily for friends and family members so that they can follow the trip my family is soon embarking upon. If you are neither of these and have somehow managed to stumble upon this blog on your own, allow me to introduce both myself and the nature of our adventure. My name is Chelsea and I have just graduated from high school in my native state of California. Unlike the majourity of my peers, I actually enjoy spending time with my family. I love the great outdoors and enjoy hiking, backpacking, kayaking, swimming, traveling, and getting lost in places I have never been before. Of course I have many other hobbies and interests but as this is merely a summary I shall stick to what pertains to this blog. I should also mention that I am painfully geeky. Potterhead, Whovian, Sherlockian, Merlinair, Ringer, Star Wars Fan, you name it. I belong to more fandoms than my poor feels can possibly handle. Keep that information in your minds, it will make sense later on. The latest and greatest adventure my family has planned is..... *drum roll, please*..... a month-long packbacking trip through Europe! We fly from Los Angeles, California to London, England on June 25th. Precisely one month later we fly out of Rome, Italy back to Los Angeles on July 25th. Where we go inbetween those two dates is much unplanned. We have a Eurail pass for all four of us and a back pack full of everything we need. We will not be staying at any Hostels or hotels as we will be tent camping every night. I will be updating this blog as often as possible and adding pictures along the way. Thanks for taking an interest in our adventure!